Eco-Friendly Family Travel Tips

Eco-Friendly Family VacationsWith warmer weather coming many of us are planning our next family vacation. I started to wonder if there were ‘other’ options for travel that would leave less of an impact on the environment. Travel with kids can be challenging enough, when I went looking for eco-friendly travel tips I had to make sure they were family-friendly too. Here are some ideas for Eco-Friendly Family Travel:Before you leave the house make sure you have unplugged any appliances and chargers that won’t be used. The Microwave, Tv’s, Computers, etc. can waste ‘phantom power’ even when you are away. Make sure your heating and cooling system is set for your vacation too. Why spend money and energy heating and cooling and empty house? Set lights that you want on for security, on a timer. This will ensure you house is illuminated when you want it to be, and powered off when not needed.When considering your mode of transportation keep in mind that air travel leaves the biggest impact on the environment compared to that same trip by train, bus or car. If your destination requires a long haul flight, try to choose a flight that is direct. Take off and landing uses a considerable amount of fuel. Not only will your baby have a chance to catch some zzzzz’s on a direct flight you won’t have to get on and off the plane mid flight. Another option for travelers is purchasing Carbon Offset Credits against your flight. This system has been set up so that travelers can purchase emission reduction credits from a company that will then use that money to do things like planting trees and supporting renewable energy products (ex: wind power). It won’t lessen the impact of the flight you just took but it is one method to try and reduce your environmental footprint.Choosing your accommodation can be done with an eco-friendly state of mind too. We’ve all seen hotels that ask guests to reuse towels but have you ever stayed at a hotel that uses compact fluorescent bulbs, has a recycling program, or using non-toxic or biodegradable cleaning products? They are out there; ask your hotel if they are an Eco-Friendly Accommodation. Maybe you have a favorite place to stay that is a bit behind the green movement…there are ways to reduce your impact here too. Turn down the heating or air conditioning in your room when you leave, turn the lights off and ask housekeeping not to change your sheets every day to save water and energy in laundering them.Your stroller seems pretty environmentally friendly, it is mom-powered. Well, you may need another mode of transportation when you arrive at your destination. Why not rent a Hybrid car? There are car rental agencies that specialize in providing hybrid vehicles for rent and some that offer some vehicles that run on alternate types of fuel.Eco-friendly, baby friendly, family friendly- you can have it all on your next vacation.

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The Value of Subscribing to House Foreclosure Listings

There are some people who believe that free information is enough to get by in the real estate market. And while many sites are now offering house foreclosure listings services, some are still hopeful that they could still land on their dream property just by relying on free listings provider. But for some, the value of subscribing to a reliable foreclosure listings provider is as indispensable as having access to the property listing itself.Free Is Not Always BestTrue, a free listing may be heaven sent for many who either do not have the time to register and subscribe to paid foreclosure listings or are still skeptical over the differences between the information that one can get from the two. For starters, a free listing may not always be the best choice for everybody especially to those who are always on the lookout for hot, fresh deals. While you may rely at one point on a free listing, you should not make it the rule in your foreclosure investing. Free does not always necessarily mean quality. And in the foreclosures market, quality is the key word to always watch for.A Degree Of ProfessionalismPaid house foreclosure listings are ran by professionals who know the value of speed, accuracy, and support in providing property listings services. Because these online foreclosure listings providers are put up by a team of qualified people who are knowledgeable in the industry, the guesswork in the quality of lists that you receive is greatly eliminated. In fact, since you pay them to give you the right information, they are, in effect, accountable to you in terms of providing you with only the best service. With this degree of professionalism, their reliability is increased and you can focus on just searching for the right property for you.Moreover, subscribing to house foreclosure listings give you access to all site features which add to the searchability of the properties. With many foreclosures that are being added to the list every day, it is important that you are able to take advantage of every opportunity that can alleviate the work for you. A subscription allows you to enjoy a great leverage in having instant access to a whole array of search features, filters and a 24/7 customer support that will be always be available at your request.

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The Myth Of Inventory Finance Companies

Your company carries it. You need to finance it. We’re of course talking about inventory. Discussions with clients reveal a lot of misconceptions around inventory financing in Canada. Let’s try and resolve some of those myths around the financing of your inventory, who the players are, who they are not ( that’s the most common myth ) and we’ll also try and provide some straight forward direction on next steps in your inventory financing challenge.The overall quality of your inventory management will play a large part in your ability to finance your products, which are a part of the current assets component of your balance sheet. You cannot overlook the importance that an inventory lender will place on your ability to report and count your products. The reality is that most firms are either carrying a ‘ continuous’ or ‘ ‘periodic’ system of inventory control.So here is solid tip # 1 – be aware that inventory lenders prefer a continuous type of inventory accounting, for all the obvious reasons. Essentially you are counting and monitoring inventory (with the use of software of course!) at all times. That’s a good thing when it comes to a lenders valuation on an ongoing basis and their ability to lend.You’re company is growing. Unfortunately so is your inventory! And that places a huge drain on your cash flow. The working capital cycle dictates that cash turns into inventory which turns into receivables and then we start all over… that lag can be anywhere from 60 – 120 days, sometimes longer. Never underestimate the problem that higher sales will bring to your inventory financing needs.Clients typically are looking for inventory financing because the level of investment that you have in product and receivables drains your cash flow. As sales volumes increase your cash flow decreases based on your overall collection period of A/R and of course those inventory turns.Your sales staff of course never wants to be in a position to tell a customer you don’t have the product they have worked so hard to sell.Does your company have an inventory financing strategy? The majority of firms we talk to in Canada, certainly in the small and medium business sector do not have access to the inventory financing they need. Do true inventory financing companies exist in Canada? We feel that the answer is generally ‘ no ‘, they do not. However if your firm would consider an asset based lending scenario that in effect takes the place of inventory finance companies in Canada.Under an asset based lending strategy your inventory is margined for what its worth, by experts who categorically know what its worth. You will enhance your ability to finance your product if you have the controls, reporting, and inventory accounting system in places that makes the inventory and asset based lender ‘ comfortable ‘.Speak to a trusted, credible, and experienced business financing advisor with regards to inventory financing companies and asset based lenders who will give your product the financing it deserves!

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